
Nicole Chryst

Wellness Educator

Family Herbalist


Chasing truth, beauty, goodness, and all things naturally wholistic.

Faith over fear.

Ephesians 2:8-10


I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart since 2003. Together, we have four amazing children, by birth and adoption. When I am not homeschooling my favorite students, I spend my days on our 7-acre property where I try my best to love my family well and experiment with hobby homesteading. My favorite things to do are cultivate my ever-expanding gardens, wrangle chickens, ferment all the things, sourdough bake with einkorn flour, and figure out new ways to use herbal remedies and essential oils. I believe God has tasked us to be good stewards of our spaces in the world, and I guide my children to do the same.

I am a board member of The Sparrow Fund and an Empowered to Connect Facilitator. I love to dig in the dirt, cook nourishing food, capture beauty through my camera lens, watch the sunrise on the beach, and spend time with good literature on my porch while sipping on a hot cup of coffee.

Healing yourself

I’ve been recently chatting with several people who have shared about health concerns they’re struggling with.  Some of the people have newly diagnosed conditions, while others have been fighting through chronic issues for quite awhile.  Regardless, they all have one thing in common: they have a genuine desire to help themselves heal, but simply aren’t sure how to make it happen.  I earnestly relate to them because I have been in the same position.

That got me thinking about a lecture in one of my most recent IIN modules about healing ourselves by ourselves.  In it, the lecturer shared that there are two different ways that the human body can get sick:

  1. A genetic weakness, and
  2. Being abusive with diet and lifestyle.

Obviously, there is nothing we can do to change our genetic weaknesses.  They are inherited from our parents and can potentially predispose us to health conditions or chronic diseases.  For example, I am clearly genetically predisposed to glucose intolerance and diabetes.  I wish it wasn’t the case, but it’s simply fact, especially based on my family history.  I began showing symptoms after years and years of poor diet and lifestyle choices, and am now on a lifelong journey to heal my body with wholistic lifestyle choices.

The CDC reports that six out of ten adults in America suffer from a chronic disease.  Four in ten adults have two or more chronic diseases.  And scarily, these statistics are climbing.  The leading causes of death and disability in our country are heart disease, cancer, lung disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and kidney disease.  They are hugely responsible for the U.S.’s $3.3 trillion in annual health care costs.

Being abusive to our bodies with diet and lifestyle often creates the symptoms that manifest as chronic diseases.  The CDC reports that the lifestyle behaviors mostly responsible for causing these chronic diseases are smoking, eating an unhealthy diet, having a lack of physical activity, and drinking alcohol excessively.  Additionally, the chronic stress and lack of sleep many of us experience are significant contributing factors.

The good news is that making different lifestyle choices can prevent, delay, or all together alleviate most chronic conditions.  We can’t change our genetic weaknesses, so diet and lifestyle choices are key.  

Though we’re stuck with our genetic predispositions for better or worse, we don’t have to be trapped into thinking there’s nothing we can do.  Fortunately, our bodies are controlled by incredibly intelligent bio-computers that want to be healthy.  And if given half a chance, I believe we have the amazing capability to heal ourselves.  We simply need to love ourselves enough to make health a priority.  In return, we’ll have even more energy to do our jobs, raise our children, enjoy our friends, and live our best, most abundant lives.

Living a wholistic lifestyle isn’t a magic pill that will heal all chronic diseases and health conditions.  That’s obviously not reality.  However, I do believe that we can give our bodies a fighting chance to heal if we provide them what they need to thrive.  I’ve found it to be my experience, and I’ve seen countless others heal health conditions as well.  It’s definitely a journey that takes time and perseverance, but the freedom is so very worth it.

As we step into the spring season, we can all make small lifestyle changes that can promote healing.  No matter what chronic disease or health condition we may be facing or trying to avoid, the steps are the same.  By eating whole foods, adopting daily wellness practices, and working toward chemical-free living, we can transform our health and promote healing.

Is there anything you’d like to do that would support your health or your well-being?

I encourage you to do it. Just go for it and rock it out. Make one small, attainable change that is the easiest to implement for you. When that has become a habit, consider building on it with another change. By adopting new habits slowly, instead of all at once, we’re more likely to create sustainable changes that add up to a healthier lifestyle.

And in doing so, we can begin to experience the vitality and abundance that comes along with embracing a wholistic lifestyle. Plan to fail occasionally though, remembering that it’s perfectly ok to indulge once in awhile. I find that sticking to an 80-20 rule gives me the freedom to make “bad” choices here and there, but still honors my healthier lifestyle choices overall.

It’s about balance, not about being perfect all the time.

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Street, Maryland


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Street, Maryland
