We are beginning to open up Dumpling’s world. A little. On Mother’s Day, he was in grandson heaven as he sat with his Nana and Grammy all by himself. I mean, look at that boy’s cheesy face! He was simply delighted! He happily played with them and held court as he told them what he wanted and how he wanted it. Because he still has a desire for a little too much affection from familiar people, we’re moving slowly. That could be a simple misunderstanding of social boundaries, it’s just so hard to say. But hello and goodbye hugs are now in full force, which is a welcome change for him after seeing everyone else do it for the past 5 1/2 months. I’m sure it was incredibly confusing for him to not be allowed to hug and get picked up while his siblings had free reign to do so. And I know it’s been hard on our family too. But we still want to move as gently as possible, so we are starting with simple hugs. This attachment business requires intentionality, and we know that putting forth hard work up front will produce beautiful results. We are still keeping a very close eye on him and everyone knows to take things easy, but it sure was delightful to see him playing with my mom and mother-in-law!