
Nicole Chryst

Wellness Educator

Family Herbalist


Chasing truth, beauty, goodness, and all things naturally wholistic.

Faith over fear.

Ephesians 2:8-10


I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart since 2003. Together, we have four amazing children, by birth and adoption. When I am not homeschooling my favorite students, I spend my days on our 7-acre property where I try my best to love my family well and experiment with hobby homesteading. My favorite things to do are cultivate my ever-expanding gardens, wrangle chickens, ferment all the things, sourdough bake with einkorn flour, and figure out new ways to use herbal remedies and essential oils. I believe God has tasked us to be good stewards of our spaces in the world, and I guide my children to do the same.

I am a board member of The Sparrow Fund and an Empowered to Connect Facilitator. I love to dig in the dirt, cook nourishing food, capture beauty through my camera lens, watch the sunrise on the beach, and spend time with good literature on my porch while sipping on a hot cup of coffee.

Author Archives: Nicole

Sourdough Crackers

I’ve been sourdough baking for about 3 months now.  I love it.  Yes, it does require a little effort.  But we aren’t eating store-bought bread anymore and are slowly switching most of our crunchy snacking over to these babies.  Everyone loves them so much that I sometimes bake them daily to keep up!  Of all...

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Our newest addition

When we first walk through our new house, I dreamed of a beautiful, rustic farm table sitting in the dining room that would be a workhorse for our family.  One that would be a treasured family heirloom and a favorite centerpiece for lots of meals, gatherings with friends, hours of reading aloud together, learning to...

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Our little friend

At any given point, we always have several flying friends visiting in our backyard.  Cardinals, woodpeckers, pigeons, blue jays, kingbirds, sparrows, blue birds, robins, and lots of others.  I never thought I’d be a bird watcher, but I am simply fascinated by these tiny little creatures.  Today, this brilliant cardinal juxtaposed against the whitewashed snowy...

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His newest big thing

He’s been working so hard on his preschool skills these last few months.  When we go downstairs to the school room he runs to his desk and declares, “Ma, I READY!”  It’s just adorable.  And such a difference compared to where we were two years ago!  He used to get mad at me when I’d...

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The time we made sensory bottles

Yes, with 20 of our best xiǎo péng yǒu, we made sensory bottles.  It was such a hit.  It was also a little bittersweet because it was the last activity we did with them before saying goodbye.  But seeing the sensory bottles in a video of their Spring Festival celebrations, weeks after we had been...

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