
Nicole Chryst

Wellness Educator

Family Herbalist


Chasing truth, beauty, goodness, and all things naturally wholistic.

Faith over fear.

Ephesians 2:8-10


I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart since 2003. Together, we have four amazing children, by birth and adoption. When I am not homeschooling my favorite students, I spend my days on our 7-acre property where I try my best to love my family well and experiment with hobby homesteading. My favorite things to do are cultivate my ever-expanding gardens, wrangle chickens, ferment all the things, sourdough bake with einkorn flour, and figure out new ways to use herbal remedies and essential oils. I believe God has tasked us to be good stewards of our spaces in the world, and I guide my children to do the same.

I am a board member of The Sparrow Fund and an Empowered to Connect Facilitator. I love to dig in the dirt, cook nourishing food, capture beauty through my camera lens, watch the sunrise on the beach, and spend time with good literature on my porch while sipping on a hot cup of coffee.

Author Archives: Nicole

Life moves pretty fast

Within a span of less than two weeks, this precious girl celebrates two big days.  Her seventh birthday and her six year forever family anniversary.  I know I say this all the time, but I simply don’t know where the time goes.  How has it been six years since my beautiful one-year-old daughter was placed...

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It’s Children’s Day!

Értóng Jié Kuàilè! Happy Children’s Day! On June 1, the Chinese celebrate Children’s Day. Internationally, it is celebrated on several different days. It’s a day to remember and celebrate children, the future custodians of the country. The holiday’s origins date back to a 1925 international conference, with the intention to bring about child welfare awareness....

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5 Ways to Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival

My first introduction to Duān Wǔ Jié, or Dragon Boat Festival, was in June of 2011 when my husband and I were in China to adopt our daughter.  It was the first time I had ever stepped foot on Chinese soil.  I knew very little about Chinese holidays and even less about Chinese culture.  So...

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Miss Glory Honey Buns

It’s been busy, busy, busy over the last month and a half!  Lots of garden and flower bed prep, planting, watering, and even some harvesting (our strawberries are ready!).  We’re watching flowers bloom all over the property, it’s simply glorious!  And we’ve also been figuring out the chicken-keeping gig on the job.  It’s truly been...

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Front Porch Sittin’

We had the family over for a Mother’s Day celebration and it was such a nice evening.  Lots of chatting and eating, four-wheel riding and front porch sitting.  All of which led to a few front porch selfies as we fought against the wind.  We’re a funny bunch.

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Street, Maryland


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Street, Maryland
