We had another successful week of Bridges Classical Community! The children continue to impress me with how well they get along and encourage each other. We really have an exceptional group. They work together as a team to learn the new memory work, and complete all of their tasks with only a little silliness. And as you can see by the pictures below, silliness is encouraged by me anyway. Who says school can’t be fun? All of the children seem to be loving the new community and they truly enjoy each others company! One of my kiddos even told me she was sad she had to wait all week to go back to Bridges again. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear that, especially after all of the time spent planning over the summer!
My language arts group of three is swimming along too! We finished up the 5th chapter of The Borrowers this week. All of the kids are enjoying the story and are happily answering reading comprehension questions for me. They are also working hard on their spelling lists and grammar lessons.
I only snapped a few shots this week, it’s hard to find the time to pull my camera out!